Staal & Plast Ebb/Flow Irrigation trays in space

LOOPS-M (Lunar Operative Outpost for the Production and Storage of Microgreens) is a team of students from La Sapienza University in Rome, that joined the IGLUNA2021 mission coordinated by Space Innovation for the ESA_@Lab Initiative, in which with help from the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – ENEA, are developing an ideal lunar outpost for the production of microgreens in a greenhouse protected by a micrometeorite shield.
The aim is to develop a safe and efficient closed-loop greenhouse module for lunar settlements. The greenhouse will allow to cultivate fresh food consistently with an automated hydroponic cultivation system, while converting waste into resources needed by the crew.
The results from the scientific research can be transferred to cultivation of fresh vegetables in closed environments for industrial use and in extreme environments, in order to maximize efficiency both in terms of volume and consumption of energy, air, water and nutrients.
We think it is pretty cool that our Saal & Plast Ebb/Flow Irrigation trays are used for the experiments.